4th International Recycling Forum Wiesbaden

10th to the 11th of December 2024

[Translate to English:] Call for Speaker Forum

Call for Speakers

Become a Speaker at the 4th International Recycling Forum 2024

The International Recycling Forum is set to return in 2024, and we are seeking your expertise! We invite you to apply as a speaker and share your insights on the latest developments in plastic recycling and circular economy. Seize the opportunity to engage with experts from industry, academia, and politics.

Sought-after Topics Include:

  • Market Overview: Current trends in plastic recycling
  • Design for Recycling: Innovations and best practices
  • Applications: New uses for plastic recyclates
  • Technology: Advances in recycling technology, including chemical recycling
  • Regulation: The impact of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) systems
  • Special Topics: Collection and recycling of agricultural plastics

Benefits of Speaking:

  • Visibility: Benefit from our extensive PR and media campaigns.
  • Networking: Complimentary access to the forum, exhibition, and an exclusive evening event.
  • Promotion: Feature on our website following successful registration.

Registration Process:

  • Presentation Time: 15 minutes, followed by a Q&A session.
  • Application Documents: Please send us your CV and a professional photograph or a link to your LinkedIn profile.
  • Presentation Format: Your presentation should be in English and submitted in PPT format by no later than 1st December 2024.

For any queries or further information, do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to welcoming you as part of our forum!

Get in touch