Willkommen zur Agenda des 4. Internationale Recycling Forum 2024! Alle Präsentationen sind auf Englisch.
10.12.24 (Dienstag)
9:00 Uhr: Opening Speech
Mike Jefferson (EPRO) & Jan Bauer (RIGK)
Aktuelle Markttrends & Key Notes
9:15 Uhr: Unlocking Sustainable Solutions through Industry Partnerships
Gian De Belder (P&G)
9:30 Uhr: Current Market Dynamics in the EU
Ton Emans (Plastics Recyclers Europe)
9:45 Uhr: Circular Economy with Plastics: Vision and Reality
Alexander Kronimus (Plastics Europe Deutschland)
Komplementäre Recyclingtechnologien: Chemisches und Mechanisches Recycling
10:20 Uhr: Working towards full circularity for plastic - What does it take for GreenDot
Alexandre Dangis (GreenDot Group)
10:35 Uhr: ECONYL® regeneration system: description of the chemical recycling of Nylon 6
Nicole Soligo (Aquafil)
10:50 Uhr: Towards recyclability of and recycled content in plastic materials
Jens Hamprecht (BASF)
11:05 Uhr: From horticulture to automotive and medical technology - Post-Consumer Recyclate in series
Benjamin Kampmann (Pöppelmann)
11:20 Uhr: Panel Discussion:
Complementary Recycling Technologies: Unlocking New Pathways with Chemical and Mechanical Processes
Moderator: Mike Jefferson (EPRO)
Panelisten: Referenten der Session
Gemeinsames Mittagessen
EPR für gewerbliche und industrielle Verpackungen
13:05 Uhr: EPR for C&I packaging in Belgium
Xavier Lhoir (Valipac)
13:20 Uhr: EPR for C&I packaging in Germany
Jan Bauer (RIGK)
13:35 Uhr: ENVALORA authorized starts operation. Challenges and opportunities.
Isabel Goyena (Envalora)
13:50 Uhr: Panel Discussion:
C&I Packaging – a New Chapter of EPR in Packaging
Moderator: Mike Jefferson (EPRO)
Panelisten: Referenten der Session
Technische Innovationen
14:20 Uhr: Life Cloover2: Closed loops of reuse & recycling for polyolefins drums and crates
Teresa Martinez (SINTAC)
14:35 Uhr:Revolutionising recyclate insights with the first industrial-scale thermal analysis technology: MADSCAN®
Daan Vijfhuizen & Mathijs Kuil (Veridis)
14:45 Uhr:Bring the Lab to the Production
Helmut Flohr & Christopher Voigtmann (RAM)
14:55 Uhr:Gas Sensor Systems for Assessment of Odors and Gas Emissions in Plastics Production and Recycling
Martin Leidinger (3S)
15:05 Uhr: Finest recycled pellet quality in the energy-saving way with the new DuaFil® Compact technology
Clemens Kitzberger (Erema Group)
15:20 Uhr: Hochwertige Rezyklate aus dem Herbold-Wasch- und Trennprozess zum Einsatz in der IBC-Produktion der Firma Schütz bei der Produktlinie Eco Bulk Green Line
Christian Raiser & Frank Reinecker (Herbold Meckesheim)
KI & Digitalisierung im Kunststoffrecycling
16:10 Uhr: The Digital Product Passport - Powering the Circular Economy for Smarter Sustainability
Dr. Brenken (R-Cycle)
16:25 Uhr: Funding instruments in Hesse for manufacturing companies in the circular economy & KISS-Projekt
Felix Kaup (HTAI)
16:40 Uhr: KISS-Project: KI-basierte Qualifizierung, Steuerung und Optimierung von Stoffströmen zur Schließung von regionalen Ressourcenkreisläufen
Andreas Bastian (plastship)
16:55 Uhr: How can AI support plastics recycling in various areas
Phillip Lubos (Circular Technology)
Closing & Infos für Abendevent
19:00 Uhr: Treffpunkt Kurhaus Wiesbaden
11.12.24 (Mittwoch)
08:00 Uhr: Ausstellungsbeginn
09:00 Uhr: Opening speech
Mike Jefferson (EPRO) & Jan Bauer (RIGK)
09:05 Uhr: Plastics Recycling – Current Status and Challenges
Vicente Olmos (SINTAC)
09:15Uhr: Panel Discussion
PPWR Unpacked: Overcoming Regulatory Challenges and Driving Industry-Wide Transformation
Moderator: Joachim Quoden (EXPRA)
Panelisten: Mike Jefferson (EPRO), Herbert Snell (bvse e.V. / Snell GmbH), Isabell Schmidt (IK Industrievereinigung Kunststoffverpackungen e.V.), Gian De Belder (P&G)
Kunststoffrecycling im Agrarsektor
10:20 Uhr: Legal binding treaty against plastic pollution & development of the FAO volontary code of conduct
Pierre de Lépinau (Adivalor)
10:35 Uhr: Closed Loop & Product innovations in the Bale Binding Product Sector
Ewald Werschmann (TAMA)
10:50 Uhr: Agri-Plastics Recycling in Ireland – a Shared Success Story
Liam Moloney (IFFPG)
11:05 Uhr: Status of collection & recycling of packaging from crop protection sector in Europe and the industry
Steven Byrde (CropLife Europe)
11:20 Uhr: Panel Discussion
Global Perspectives and Challenges – Towards Circular Agricultural Plastics